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Let girls play 2024

On Friday 8th March 2024 Â鶹ÊÓƵ took part in the #LetGirlsPlaycampaign. By participating, we aimed to drive influence and change perceptions, showing that football can and should be played by girls!

We have had over 444 girls involved in today’s activities which have included panna football, futsal, indoor and outdoor football tournaments, a keepy-uppy challenge, FA course sign-ups, football officiating, a motivational speech and meet and greet professional Newcastle FC footballer and ex-student Travis Hernes.

We also welcomed Wolverhampton MP Jane Stevenson to our school. This was a fantastic opportunity to showcase the amazing talent we have at HeathPark!
It’s been wonderful to see so many of our girl’s passion for the sport come to light and their willingness to champion equal access for girls. This campaign is helping create independent, resilient young girls who will be a force for good in our local community.
